Building a Catio: The Purr-fect Space for Your Cat

Image via Flickr by rosiejuliet

You may have heard the term catio and wondered what it was all about. Or maybe after doing some research, you’ve decided on building a catio. Catios, or cat-patios, are special enclosed spaces that allow your cat to enjoy the benefits of the outdoors without harm to them or the local wildlife. Interested in learning more? Find out why a catio is the perfect space for your cat.

The Debate Over Indoor Versus Outdoor Cats

There’s been some debate in recent years over whether or not it’s both ethical, and safe, to keep your cat indoors or outdoors. While it’s hard to say which is right for your cat and lifestyle, there are some benefits and drawbacks to both:

Outdoor cats often have more freedom; getting fresh air, chasing bugs in the grass, and getting to roam and exercise. However, they also have a higher incidence of injury due to accidents and disease spread, and are often damaging to the local wildlife. Indoor-only cats are often safer; there is less of a chance of disease spread, fewer injuries due to accidents, and indoor cats can have a life of “luxury” lounging on the couch all day. But, indoor cats may suffer from excessive boredom, little to no exercise leading to obesity, and poor enrichment.

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What Is a Catio?

A catio, or cat patio, is the happy medium between indoors and outdoors for your cat. These structures are designed to attach to an outer wall of your house. This is done via a window or accessible door your cat can get through. Some structures are larger, with long catwalks taking cats into the middle of the yard, while others are smaller and have only a few platforms. In addition to platforms for walking and sitting, many catios have additional features such as beds, litter boxes, food and treat stations, and covered sections to avoid harsh weather.

Enrichment Benefits of Catios

There are many benefits to providing a catio. It gives your cat access to an outdoor space with fresh air and sunshine. It also gives them more room to stretch their legs and exercise; especially if the catio is filled with platforms and toys. Catios also keep your cat safely contained. You won’t have to worry about the potential of an accident on busy streets. In addition, local wildlife is protected while still giving your cat the chance to enjoy seeing local birds and squirrels.

The great thing about catios is that they can be any size or shape. This makes them an easy-to-remove addition if you rent your home. Or, you can make something more elaborate if you own or have lots of space to use. No matter the size, your cat will still enjoy the benefits of some outside fresh air.

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Premade Versus DIY Catios

Is there an advantage to a premade catio versus a DIY one? Whether or not you’re building a catio yourself, both offer the same benefits. However, there are some benefits and drawbacks to each:


A premade catio is the perfect choice if you’re not very handy or aren’t sure if your cat will enjoy using one. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. However, most are rectangular or square, designed to easily attach to your house. These premade models, however, may not work for every type of house and may lack some features, such as places to put food or litter. They can also be expensive to purchase if you want additional platforms or a larger size.


If you’re handy or want to create something custom for your cat, DIY catios are a great choice. DIY catios are also more budget-friendly as you’ll be able to pick out what materials you want to use, including upcycled ones. DIY catios can also be custom fitted or have additional items added. The drawback, however, is if you’re not very handy, it may be difficult to properly add the addition, leading to potentially harmful structural failures. DIY catios are also not under a warranty, so if your roof leaks or something becomes damaged, you’re on the hook for replacing it.

Whether you’re building a catio yourself or buying one premade, your cat is sure to thank you. By providing your cat with an extra outdoor space, you give them a chance to exercise and stay healthy while staying safe.

Dealing with behavior problems or a lack of enrichment for your cat? Schedule a consultation today to see if we can help. Or, check out some other fun enrichment activities, such as learning how to clicker train your cat!