Dog Parks: Is Going to the Dog Park Safe or Harmful for Your Dog?

Updated February 5, 2024

An off leash dog park can be a great way for you and your dog to get some exercise, burn some energy, and make some new friends! However, there are a few steps you should take before going to the park. These tips can to help make the experience safer for you, your dog, and the other dogs at the park. Learn to recognize when things may not be working out, and how to improve your dog’s park experience. 

It’s good to remember that not every dog is social — and that’s OK! Just like people, your dog’s friendliness toward other dogs is on a spectrum. Social events like the dog park may be too overwhelming. Instead, your dog may enjoy calmer activities such as a game of fetch, or one-on-one play with a neighbor dog. If you find the tips and tricks below just aren’t working, don’t despair, finding another enjoyable activity can be just as beneficial. 

Preparing for the Dog Park

Before you go to the nearest dog park, make sure your dog is ready for it. If your dog doesn’t get along well with other dogs, is prone to barking or harassing dogs, or is scared, the dog park is NOT the place to practice these skills. Instead, other activities may be more fun. Consider a solo walk on a secluded trail, a nice fetch session, or even off-leash play in a larger area. It doesn’t make you a bad owner if your dog dislikes the park, it just means Fido may be a little less social

If your dog is fine with other dogs and doesn’t get too stressed around them, then it is time to go! Make sure to have a leash on hand, and that your dog listens well to you off-leash. Practicing recalls on a long line with distractions is a great way to test this prior to the excitement of the dog park. Always be ready to step in with the leash as needed. Even the most well-trained dog may be too distracted by a friend! 

Make sure not to bring any treats or objects your dog may become possessive over to help avoid a problem. The less distraction and items of contention, the more likely your dog is to have a good time.

Reading Canine Body Language

Knowing canine body language is important in the park. This will help you better understand how your dog is feeling, as well as how other dogs feel around them. Signs of a relaxed and happy dog include an open mouth, tongue hanging out, loose, wiggly body position, and play bows. Your dog’s tail may be up in the air if he’s feeling confident, or in a neutral position.

There are some signs your dog may be stressed. They may have a closed mouth, stiff body, or a tail that is straight out or tucked. If they're not OK with the other dogs near them, they may show additional signs. This includes baring teeth, low growls, or hackling. While this may look scary, these are all ways dogs communicate with each other. They're a sign your dog is speaking with others to set his boundaries! A good signal after a tense moment is one or both dogs shaking (as if they’ve just had a bath) afterward. This is a tension-reducing move and means the dogs are relaxing again. 

If your dog is actively snapping at or constantly hackling at other dogs, they may be a little too stressed. This is the signal that they're ready to leave the park or move to a less populated area. It’s best to leash up and head home before those warning signals evolve into a bite or fight. 

What to Do If Fighting Breaks Out

It’s natural for a dog to not get along with every other dog they meet. If you are seeing body language that indicates your dog is stressed or not getting along well, then stopping them and removing them from the situation BEFORE a fight breaks out is always best.

If a fight does happen, do NOT yell or reach in to grab your dog. This may increase the intensity of the fight and you can be bitten or injured in the process. If both dogs are leashed, grabbing the leash from a distance and separating the dogs may help. If they are off-leash, a spray bottle of water, hose, or even placing other non-human objects between the dogs (such as tossing a blanket on them) may be enough to get them apart. Once apart, you can then separate the dogs further to check for injuries and prevent another fight. If your dog does get into a fight, it is time to relax elsewhere outside of the park.

Fights are VERY rare at the park. Your dog is more likely to have a good wrestle session rather than a fight. Dogs can play very rough, so if your dog is actively growling, chewing on, or wrestling with another dog, it may be play behavior instead! Knowing body language is key to figuring out the difference between play and fight. Dogs that are upset have stiff bodies, hackles raised, and higher-pitched barks. Dogs that are playing have loose, flexible bodies, and will back away if things get too rough. 

Signs Your Dog Is Ready to Go Home

Any dog can become stressed at the park. Signs your dog is ready to go can include stressed body language, or avoiding engaging with others. If your dog seems tired or bored, it's probably time to go. 

The dog park may seem like a scary place if your dog isn’t used to it. However, it is a great way to interact, socialize, and exercise your dog. Knowing your dog’s body language, how to stop a fight, and when it’s time to go home will help keep you and your dog safe and keep the dog park an enjoyable experience! 

Have more training questions or concerns? Check our our library of resources for more tips, tricks, and tail wags! Or, check out some fun solo tricks you can teach your dog at home.